
I have just finished reading your January issue of ONE from cover to cover. It is 2 A.M. and the bars are closed tonight here in Seattle anyway. So I just spent a couple of leisure hours with magazine in hand. It's a very nice booklet; the best part is the realization that your elite staff is making a printed effort toward a cause.

I'm for the short stories, leave the debates topics to the college kids. I notice in this issue there's only one such fiction story, "Reflections at One A.M."

The little poems or proverbs, usually one in every issue, are like precious promises to me. They are so easily transferred from print into my own favorite train of thoughts.

I am of the belief that there is essentially no such creation as a homosexual absolute.

May I suggest that you shine this Rhinestone in print to a brilliant sparkle by dropping the articles which produce bickering about legalities, persecution of the races, and politics. Even Jesus, who would have been raided by the Los Angeles vice at the Last Supper, had a most impregnable phalanx in the form of story telling. Don't complain, instead write a sad story. When a gay guy gets on the long end of the stick in a legal matter, don't report it, write a story about it.

These suggestions are to be taken lightly, for I enjoy ONE a great deal. On the other. hand, some small hint may be the basis. for a literary chain reaction.

Dear Friends:

Mr. H.

Seattle, Washington

Being isolated here, you have done more for me than you can imagine. I wish. I could help you more financially, but there is no money to be made here. If it were not for the climate, I probably would leave here tomorrow. Maybe some day I'll be able to come to L. A. and say hello to you. Mr. H.


Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

You might want to warn your readers that a so-called new book on the market titled Rough Trade is actually a hardcover reprint of a paperback which came out in 1961 under the title Gay Detective. From paperback to hardcover is an odd switch .. so is the boosting of the price. 35c it was worth; $3.95 it ain't.

P. S. on second thought maybe you should warn your readers about all of the Sherbourne Press books, since they are al! trash which give the public a false and

lowdown impression of homosexuals. Why should homosexuals pay to be called sick? Ft. Worth, Texas Mr. A.

Dear Don:

The December issue of ONE has possibly the most important contributions ever made to the American homosexual movement. "The Twins" article broadcasts loudly to the entire world that "here are true and solid homosexual people." These are not criminals, or child molesters, or anything other than deeply loving and dedicated citizens who contribute to the entire community, just the opposite of the people described by hate mongering police. Mr. G.

Dear Sir:

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Would you please send me material on the homosexual movement, its history, effect on society, why people become homosexual, and other aspects. Would you also send me information on your organization, the ICSE, to which I have read you belong, and any other homosexual organizations that I that I may contact. I am doing a term paper on homosexuality and any information you could send would be helpful. Mr. C. Delavan, Wisconsin

Dear Mr. Slater:

I know absolutely nothing about homosexuality. There is precious little information on this subject at the local library, none at the college library. I would have written. you sooner but thought you only published a Magazine. If laymen and victims cannot find information concerning this subject, how can they be expected to cope with it, understand it, or try to help themselves. or homosexuals they happen to come in contact with..

So far I've managed to keep out of trouble, but I don't expect it to last. It bothers me just a little bit. I'm not worried about myself or the person I might accost, but people who respect me would suddenly turn that respect into hatred or pity and this would wreck me, I live for other people's respect


Mr. P. Cedar Rapids, lowa

I realize that the cover of your September 64 Magazine coincided with the interesting article on Miss Destiny, but MUST you use such a photo on the cover? Isn't this the sort of thing that we want to discourage?

Mr. P. New York, N. Y.